The first financial service created specifically
for rental companies
All modern settlement tools between rentals and customers in one service.
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Key features of the
Cardoo payment system
■ Damage recovery

Collecting losses without a deposit
You no longer have to withhold a deposit from the customer at the beginning of the rental. Rent your car without a deposit!

In case of damage to the car, we will immediately reimburse the rental company for the certificated amount of damage. And we will take care of the recovery from the client ourselves.
■ Recover fines

Collection of fines for traffic violations
Charge the customer for payment of his traffic fines within 6 months of rental. All you need to do is provide a notice of the fine.
■ Customer Scoring

Assessment of client's solvency
You will get a scoring assessment of the customer's creditworthiness, which is given to the client by the banks in his country. That gives you a chance to opt out of the contract with unstrustworthy client.
Automated client database check:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the client's country
bailiffs database
Interpol database
politically exposed persons
untrustworthy renters
■ Acquiring

The cheapest acquiring
Accept card payments on the site at the lowest interest rate banks and payment systems can offer you.

You'll be able to easily refund the client in whole or in part directly from your personal account. Any chargeback will be coordinated with you and not immediately deducted from your account. Payment of collected funds to your bank account will happen every 7 days.
Our acquiring accepts the following cards:
■ Check-in

Fast check-in
Receipt, storage and transfer of personal data documents in accordance with all laws on personal data.

You can easily and without risk of violating the law to get customer data (passport and driver's license) for fast check-in procedures at the issuance of the car.
■ Installment payments

Rent installment
Give the client the opportunity to buy your rental service from you in installments. In this case, you will receive payment immediately, and the client will pay the rent to Cardoo at a convenient time.According to statistics, the average check increases by 12% when using the installment payment.
■ Monthly payments

Subscription lease
Provide a long-term, subscription-based rental car. Cardoo will provide you with automatic monthly deductibles for your customer.
Cardoo is a convenient payment service for rentals of any size
Our service can be used by
any rental
  • A small rental
    With Cardoo, managing settlements with customers is as easy as using a messenger
  • Fast growing rental
    If you're growing quickly and expanding your fleet each year, we can help you launch new products quickly
  • International rental
    We will take care of the problem of settling accounts with customers from different countries both at the time of booking and after the rental
Give us your address and we'll send you an offer just for you
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© 2022 Cardoo Cyprus Ltd
Reg number 434654
1080, Nicosia, 12 Demostheni Severi,
office 601
© 2021 Cardoo OU, Estonia
Registry code 16148710
License 20210507-437378
Vesivarava tn 50-201, 10152, Tallinn
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